Every year the Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks during May. This year May 5 is predicted to be the maximum of the meteor shower, but the moon is scheduled to enter its full moon phase on that day as well. During a full moon, the moon's light will fill the sky, obstructing our view of the meteor shower. Fortunately, Eta Aquarid is active from April 19 to May 18 so some meteors will be seen before and after the full moon.
The best place to see the shower is the Southern Hemisphere because that has the best view of the radiant. The radiant is the point in the sky where all of the meteors in the meteor shower seem to be coming from. The radiant rises in the morning hours and at its peak, long meter tails are usually seen. During it's peak about 60 meteors are seen per hour compared to the normal 30 per hour.